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Balance Empty Balance

Post by Admin 3/30/2008, 1:47 pm

March 30, Positive Affirmation for Balance

I integrate balance into every aspect of my life.
Greetings! Our theme is Balance. These last days of the month we work with integrating and embodying
balance. Following today’s affirmation are comments about the
affirmation, suggestions for your process, and information about
related articles.
About Today’s Affirmation
As you read or affirm today’s statement, you may become aware of the
aspect(s) of your life in which you feel or sense you have not
integrated balance. Let this awareness be good news — the good news of
feedback. Feedback tells you where you need to work, where to give your
attention. Feedback is not a sign of failure but a gift of information
for an opportunity for growth. If you experience balance in one aspect
of your life, you can expand it into other aspects. Balance is balance
is balance. Only you know what balance is for you. Touch its vibration
where you can, so that you can open to it in other parts and places.
About Your Process
During these integrating/embodying days, you may notice some aspects of
balance or non-balance that require future or ongoing attention. Soon
DailyAffirm moves to another theme for the affirmations, but your
balance (or non-balance!) remains with you. If you have a practice of
journaling important events and transitions, you may wish to journal
about your passage. Perhaps your passage is from unawareness of balance
to awareness of what in your life needs to be balanced. Perhaps your
passage is from conscious awareness of balance to effortless
integration of balance. Celebrate the transition and name it, as
appropriate for you.
About the Book of the Month Recommendation
One of the quickest and best ways to know if something is
balanced or not is to notice the energy field. When you are
good at this, the knowledge of balance is instantaneous and
highly accurate. Here is a book that helps you to learn
about energy, energy healing, and energy fields. It is
called "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden.


Number of posts : 323
Registration date : 2007-12-01

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